Make your Webinars Livelier with Freedocast Pro Live Streaming Device
Webinars – A very common word that we keep seeing on the internet and nowadays hearing as a part of marketing among various courses. The name itself suggests that webinars are seminars that are delivered over the web. These are the most common form of knowledge sharing on the internet that happens at a certain time in accordance with the viewers. All the top educational institutions of the world, the educational websites offering online courses and individuals who teach online use webinars to deliver their classes to a particular set of students.
Usually, webinars are organized and executed accordingly and most of the times these include a board or a power point presentation that the individuals desperately trying to display in the same frame as they speak. The frames are usually widened at these times making it difficult to focus on a single element which reduces the attention of the audience. Others with access to some level of technology swap through the screen and the individual covering one at a time which can prove to be strenuous and require manpower.
If a speaker delivering a webinar uses a nominal camera, he might be able to record a good video, but nominal cameras aren’t of much use when covering a large space like when the frame is required to show the board/ presentation and the speaker. Moreover, the audio quality of a nominal camera might not be up to the mark which is another setback while streaming a webinar. The use of a high-resolution camera is highly recommended, but they can be quite expensive in comparison with the nominal ones.
Live streaming devices can bridge this gap by allowing users to provide a sound and video input and letting them live stream through a mobile device at the same time. A simple camera of which the video and audio output goes into the live streaming device is all that is required to put on a good show. Live broadcasting devices like Freedocast run on battery for up to 2.5 hours and can connect to the internet through a Wi-Fi connection (Ethernet works too).
The device can be mounted on a camera with a shoe mount screw and can help you live stream directly while recording the video. The inbuilt encoder helps the streamer to stream at appropriate formats and bitrates without any external assistance. To top it all, the device is controlled by a remote app which lets the users start and stop the stream at their convenience. The Freedocast device can stream HD video (1080p resolution) with Adaptive Bitrate Technology which helps users with a slow internet connection to get an uninterrupted live stream.
Using a live streaming device will be perfect for a webinar especially if a single person is delivering the webinar with zero external help. It can also help when there are more than one camera and multiple microphones at use. With an HD quality Video and Audio, webinars are sure to look livelier and attractive with the help of live streaming devices which can, in turn, gain more audience too. The Branding option that exists in the Freedocast platform also helps the speakers to make their brand familiar to the audience. Individuals or Organizations, Webinars through Freedocast Pro devices are a step forward into the future.
Also Read:
Make your Webinars Livelier with Freedocast Pro Live Streaming Device
Reviewed by Nimisha Ray
July 29, 2018

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