Live Broadcast Interviews like a Professional TV Channel
Interviews deliver information to the relevant people. And they can be of huge help when they are done right. Persons that are highly revered in their respective fields, expressing their opinions in matters that are relevant to certain sectors can help raise the morale of the relevant populace which can be beneficial to Companies, Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, NGOs, Schools, Colleges, etc.
In the conventional sense, the word “Interview” has been associated with a heaviness that took it out of the proximity of the common populace. It has become a common notion that interviews are purely a media element and were restricted to televisions, radios, newspapers, etc. The organisational benefits have been acknowledged by some people but due to lack of essential knowledge and fiscal constraints, many of these are ignored even if they can colossally benefit the organisations.
Many studies established that visual and auditory content works better than readable content. Which is why many of the organisations choose to give out information in videos rather than writing a page long editorial. This is where live video interviews come in. Instead of delivering useful information through text, video interviews make it easy for the viewers to grasp the information in a limited amount of time.
Examples of Usage in various Sectors
Educational institutions
Educational institutions are one of the most versatile fields that can welcome prominent personalities from any kind of professional territory. Organising interviews with Scientists, Economists, Historians, Geologists, Physicists, Astronomers, and Professors of various fields of expertise, for the students to learn more about the scope of their education can benefit both the students as well as the institutions.
In large corporations, very little information reaches until low-level employees. The company’s goals, achievements, and sometimes useful information often remain unavailable for all the employees. Live interviews with the relevant personnel from inside the organisation assist in reducing these gaps and keep every employee informed thereby providing the necessary guidance and motivation they need. In-house interviews also let the staff know about the work that is happening in various departments thereby letting people contribute ideas that can be beneficial for the company.
Online Channels
The birth of Citizen Journalism is almost concurrent with the rise of live streaming. Though it is a long road, the future holds innumerable opportunities for the people who want to deliver the news for their own community/ region/ followers. Live online channels are already a part of many websites providing news along with other content. Hosting Live Interviews with relevant people can help bring credibility to the website along with plenty of followers. These interviews provide the people “Opinions worth listening to” irrelevant of the position of the person.
How does Freedocast help?
Creation of a professional standard video and broadcasting to an audience is one of the cornerstone features of Freedocast live streaming device and platform. The visual and auditory quality that can be achieved by using this device and the ease of handling, makes this device useful for both individuals and organisations alike.
With the device – All you need to do is acquire a device, connect a high-resolution camera and microphone to it and start streaming with the Freedocast Pro App that comes with the device. With the platform, you can directly start streaming with the help of an external encoder to the destination of your choice.
Freedocast’s live streaming solutions are the best possible way to achieve a professional quality video even with constrained resources.
Live Broadcast Interviews like a Professional TV Channel
Reviewed by Nimisha Ray
May 29, 2018

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